Dr. Marion Brickwedde – Research Interest
Neural Oscillations
Nearly 100 years ago, the german neurologist Hans Berger was the first the record a peculiar phenomenon in humans. Recording electric activity on the scalp of his son, he could observe a strong and regular 10 Hz rhythm. … click for more information
Neural Plasticity
For a long time, it was common knowledge that the brain’s ability to adapt and learn is immense in early years, but becomes non-existent after a certain age in adulthood has been reached. Today we know that this is not the case… click for more information
Brain Computer Interfaces
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) refer to any kind of device that processes brain imaging data in real-time. Different kinds of BCIs exist today, most famously are the spelling BCIs that help paralysed patients to communicate … click for more information
Brain Imaging with high temporal resolution (EEG, MEG, OPM)
Most people are probably familiar with fMRI, the big tube in which patients are scannedn to assess the position and the severity of their ailment. This technqiue provides us with a good estimate of the location of neuronal activity, however the temporal resultion is several seconds, while our brain acts at milisecond precision. … click for more information